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University of Leoben

University of Leoben

University: University of Leoben
Foundation Year: 1840
Website: https://www.unileoben.ac.at/
Semester fee: 750 Euros

Leoben Montan University is a higher education institution located in Leoben, Austria, providing education in metallurgy, materials and mining.

Leoben Montan University is the only mountain science university in Austria.

The university has 9 departments and graduates with an engineering degree.

Economics and Business Sciences
Physics / Physical Chemistry
General Mechanical Engineering
Department of General and Analytical Chemistry
Geological Sciences (Mineralogy and Petrology)
Geological Sciences (Technical Ecosystem Analysis)
Geomechanics, Tunnel Engineering
Technique of Inactivation of Chemical and Nuclear Materials
Mining Knowledge, Mining Technique, Mining Economics
Mining Mechanical Sciences
Mathematics and Applied Geometry
Petroleum Engineering
Industrial Logistics
Structure and Function Ceramics