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Clausthal Technical University

Clausthal Technical University

University: University of Wurzburg
Founded Year: 1402
State: Bavaria
Website: https://www.tu-clausthal.de/

Founded in 1775, the Clausthal Technical University (Technische Universität Clausthal) has embraced interdisciplinary research and has an important recognition, especially in mining engineering. The fact that the University has a structure that supports the application of computer sciences in engineering disciplines with its Information Engineering Center provides students with the opportunity to carry out their academic studies flawlessly. The applied research and education quality of Clausthal Technical University has been approved numerous times by important authorities and is internationally recognized as one of the leading universities in Germany. The atmosphere of individual education, the many existing partnership agreements of the university, the unique internet connection motivate students more to get involved in scientific studies.

Clausthal Technical University Language Departments

Computer science
Economics and computer science
Industrial Engineering
Energy Technology
Energy and Natural Resources Engineering
Geoenvironmental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical engineering
Material science
Process Engineering
technical computer science
Applied mathematics

Clausthal Technical University Graduate Departments

Computer science
economic computer science
Commodity Geosciences
Industrial Engineering
Energy Systems Engineering Engineering
Energy and raw material supply engineering
Physical Technologies – Energy Science
Geoenvironmental Engineering
Recycling and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical engineering
Material science
Materials Engineering
operational research
Automation Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Process Engineering / Chemical Engineering
Radioactive and Hazardous Waste Management
Technical Business
Applied mathematics