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Why Austria

Austrian universities and arts colleges where higher education takes place are also the country’s educational and research centers. The aim of the training is to prepare young scientists who will work in research institutions and important issues in the country and to gain professional qualifications. For this reason, the principle of openness to the public has been adopted in Austrian universities. Anyone who can meet the educational requirements can enter a university, faculty or college. This principle aims to provide equality of opportunity in education. Equal opportunities are not just words, but since 1972, books and other educational materials have been offered free of charge at universities. Some democratic institutions provide universities and colleges with continuing research facilities and the ability to compile and freely publish them. Until 2003, it was valid to teach diploma programs, that is, undergraduate and graduate programs together, in Austrian universities. With the new regulation, Austria gradually moved to the German education system and separated undergraduate and graduate degrees from each other. After completing three years of university education, the Bakkalaureatsstudium, the student can obtain a bachelor’s degree. Unlike in our country, anyone who graduated from a university in Austria can apply for a master’s degree at any time, and after two years of education, they can get a master’s / master’s degree as well as start their doctoral education. Although the education system is tried to be implemented as in Turkey, two-year college programs have no equivalent in Austria.


Students who want to study in Austria must first be entitled to be placed in one of the 4-year formal education programs in the exam held by OSYM in Turkey. In this case, an application can be made to whichever department he won in Turkey. In addition, another requirement of Austrian universities is the requirement to know German at A2 level, which came in October 2018. Students who meet these two conditions can apply to Austrian Universities.

Students who are accepted can start their departments by completing their language education in the language courses of the Universities. The term of language courses is 1200 €. To start the department, C1 level German language knowledge is required.

In Austria, entrance exams are administered in 12 departments. For detailed information, you can contact our consultants and ask your questions either by e-mail or by phone.


Salzburg is the 4th largest city in Austria with a population of 150,000. At the foot of the Alps, on the German border, 270 km from Vienna. It is the capital of the province of the same name, located in the west.
Leoben Montan University is a higher education institution located in Leoben, Austria, providing education in metallurgy, materials and mining.
Austria Linz Johannes Kepler University, founded in 1966 as the School of Social and Economic Sciences, is one of the newest university sites in Austria. The name of the university comes from the famous mathematician Johannes Kepler, who taught mathematics in Linz between 1612 and 1626.
The Austrian Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt was founded in 1964 as the largest university in the state of Carinthia. It has around 10,500 students and 4 faculties of cultural sciences, economics, interdisciplinary research and technical sciences.
Graz is the capital of the state of Styria and the second largest city in Austria after Vienna. It has a population of 287,000. Graz was chosen as the cultural capital of Europe in 2003.
The city of Graz, which is 2 hours away from Vienna, the capital of Austria, was selected as the European Capital of Culture in 2003. There are 4 Universities in total in Graz and 40,000 students live in the city.
Vienna Agricultural University has 40 institutes, 9 undergraduate departments and 23 master's programs. The university has 7 international master's programs. These master's programs are carried out jointly with universities in countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Denmark.
It was established in 1765 as a “treatment center for cattle”. With the changes it went through in the following years, it was named Vienna Veterinary University.
The Medical University of Vienna was established as a faculty of the University of Vienna, which was founded in 1365, and was separated as the Medical University of Vienna in 2004.
Vienna University of Economics, with its modern building and educational success, is in the best ranking among the Universities that provide education on Economics in Europe.
The Technical University of Vienna is one of the top 10 technical universities in Europe. In addition to being the largest scientific and technical research and learning institution in Austria, it is a world-renowned university with a very strong place in the international platform.
Founded in 1365, the main building of the University of Vienna is the historic university building in the center of the city. This is also the center of the university administration and all school-related transactions are done here.