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Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

University: Technische Universität München
Established: 1868
State: Bayern
Website: www.tum.de
Number of students: 24,394

In 1868, under the name of “Polytechnischen Schule”, King II. It was founded by Ludwig.
In 1877, the name of the university was changed to ‘Technische Universität München’. There are a total of 13 Faculties in 3 different Campuses. It is a well-established university that provides education in these fields in this big city with different and diverse investments in the field of Economy and Industry.
The university has a total of 24394 (Female: 7,960, Male: 16,434) students, and 4257 students are foreigners, with a ratio of 18%. In total, 820 Professors, including those without clinical expertise, are in this university.

Undergraduate Departments:

Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences
Civil engineering
Business BWL
Biological Process Techniques
Beer and Beverage Technologies
Chemical Engineering
Electro and Information Technologies
Energy Techniques
Nutrition Sciences
R&D Research and Development
Vehicle and Engine Techniques
Information technologies
Engineering Sciences
Landscape and Urban Planning
Air Flow Sciences
machine engineering
Mechanical Sciences
Mechatronics and Information Techniques
Molecular Biology
Nuclear Technology
Production and Logistics
Restoration and Art Techniques
Food Products (Bio)Technology
environmental engineering
Economy Business
Basic Sports Sciences

Graduate departments:

Automotive and Combustion Engine Technology
Communication and Leadership
Advanced Materials Science (Elite graduate program)
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering (GIST-TUM Asia)
Agricultural Sciences
Applied and Engineering Physics
Automotive Software Engineering
Biomedical Computing (BMC).
Beer and Beverage Technology
Building Materials, Chemistry and Maintenance
Chemical Engineering
Civil engineering
Communication Engineering
Computational Mechanics (with Elite master’s program)
Computational Science and Engineering (with Elite master’s program)
Condensed Matter Physics
Consumer Affairs
Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies
Energy and Process Engineering
Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building
Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Environmental Planning and Engineering Ecology
environmental engineering
Space Science and Technology for ESPACE-Earth
Finance and Information Management – ​​FIM (Elite graduate program)
Food Technology and Biotechnology
Forest and Wood Science
Geodesy and Geography
garden plants
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Chemistry (GIST-TUM Asya)
Industrial design
Industrial Engineer (TUM-WIN)
Information systems
Integrated Circuit Design (GIST-TUM Asia)
Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Land Management
Landscape architecture
Management and Technology (TUM-BWL)
Mathematical Finance and Actuarial Sciences
bioscience math
Operations Research Mathematics (OR)
Science and Engineering Mathematics
MBA (Executive) Innovation and Job Creation
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical Engineering and Management
Mechatronics and Information Technologies
Medical Technology and Engineering
Microelectronics (GIST-TUM Asia)
Molecular Biotechnology
Nuclear Technology
Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics
Nutrition Science
Pharmaceutical Bioprocess Engineering
Power Engineering
Product Development and Design
Production and Logistics
renewable resources
Robotics, IT
Software Engineering (Elite graduate program).
Sustainable Resource Management
SIM (Elite graduate program) – Information and Multimedia Technology Systems
Education in Academic Schools – Science Education
Transport and Logistics (GIST-TUM Asia)
transportation systems